Fresh 48!

Newborns change in a blink of an eye! 

So much of a newborn's first 48 hours is a blur, yet so many unforgettable moments happen in that foggy time right after birth. The first time you nurse your baby. The first time he or she meets siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends. The first bath. The first time Daddy and baby snuggle. The first time you hold those incredibly tiny, precious feet in your hands. All the time you spend just gazing into your newborn's eyes, trying to take it all in. So many moments you never want to forget, but hardly can remember later. Fresh 48 is a way to preserve those special moments forever!

Fresh 48 is not meant to replace newborn photography, rather supplement those memories. Your baby won't even look the same by the time you are ready for a newborn photo session! Unlike a newborn session, with Fresh 48, there is no posing. No props. No backdrops. I come to your home, birth center or the hospital and capture all of those special first moments. And Fresh 48 is not hospital photography. Hospital pictures are usually just a few quick, posed shots and don't include you, siblings or other relatives. Fresh 48 photography captures real moments, 24 - 48 hours after birth, when everything is so brand new.

Call me for more information or to schedule a Fresh 48 session. These are irreplaceable moments you will treasure for a lifetime!

Fresh 48 Session Fee

Baby Photo Love
34 Ravenna Street
Hudson, OH 44236
ph: (330) 349-2867